Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mel's turn

Just so everyone knows, I'm fine. It was merely as Evelyn put it, our "tropical welcome". It's Mel's turn now. She's a trooper, she'll be fine.

Now, with that out of the way....

Katherine and Loreen have arrived! And Alec too with his friend Jeff who also had their luggage lost. This time it was a direct flight with TACA so I'm not convinced that transferring in Miami was the reason they lost ours. And they got a rebate on their return flight and a cool little kit with toiletries and a t-shirt. We got nothing from American Airlines!

It's getting more exciting now with the rest of the team starting to trickle in. Katherine, Lela, Tito, Mario and Koky are shopping in San Salvador today. We had a couple of good skype meetings last night with Ed and Ted and everything seems to be staying on track so far. Somehow, It just seems too good to be true. With this project, there always seems to be a monkey wrench lingering around the corner. Oh well, they're good lessons in problem solving.
There's such a good spirit around this whole project I'm never worried about whether we will over come the monkey wrenches. It just feels sometimes like nothing is ever simple. Especially observing Mel be the Project co-ordinator. Robbin's husband David and I have been talking about starting a support group for partners of the people who try and keep this project on track.

We went to Harlequin last night and Koky and I shared the meat plate for three people. Two kinds of sausage, beef ribs and smoked rabbit. It was really good. Between that and Miguel's Sunday barbecue, I don't think even our morning walk up the hill is going keep me slim. I was hoping to sweat off some winter weight before I returned.

Speaking of which...Tiempo de paramos para almorzar.

Eso es todo por ahora!


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