Monday, March 5, 2012

Bye bye Cynthia & Bodas de Sangre design presentations

"Bye bye/thank you Cynthia"and "thank you Melissa" party organized by the sutdents.

Song Melissa taught the students in her English class - they sang it at the party!

 A few photos of Bodas de Sangre design presentations... Here's César's maquette

 Carlos' maquette
Francisco's costume design
 Francisco's maquette
 Angela's maquette
 César presenting his costume design concept
 Erika and Raquel during their presentation
 Erika presenting her costume design concept
 Leydi explaining a change in her set, Lili helping out
 Angela explaining her "vision" of the play
 Tatiana taking notes
 Manuel José and Carlos during their presentation
 Ede during his presentation
Manuel José's maquette...

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Felicidades a todos! Magnifica obra! Very impressive!
